Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Crown molding sucks

and I hate it. Really I shouldn't write a blog post about how bad I am at some aspect of woodworking, but I feel I have to be transparent here. I should have done more research on how to actually run crown instead of just reading a couple of blog posts about it while I was in a meeting at work. Caulk and paint can make a carpenter what he ain't! It's going to take a lot of caulk and paint to cover up this mess.

Behind the cabinet isn't even nailed in

hey, the wall isn't flat

Those joints are supposed to be cope cut

that gap isn't supposed to be there

oh those gapped corners

that's a nice look

Now with caulk and paint
cope cutting crown molding is really hard. I started with one wall that took one piece square on both ends, then ran to the right of that cope cutting one end and square cutting the other to setup the next cope. I bet it would be easier to learn that technique if someone was actually here to teach it to me. Oh well, I did the best I could this time. Watch more youtube videos before attempting this one yourself!

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