Monday, November 9, 2020

Finishing the Walnut Side Table

 I pulled the walnut side table back outside and got it finished off, kind of. I still need to build the drawer. But what is assembled really did turn out fantastic

ok my photo skills were seriously lacking over the summer. My back was out, and I just let everything else fall apart. no actual finished pictures.

Walnut is a porous wood, so you have to fill the pores first. Start finishing walnut by sanding with 80, 120, 180, and 220 grit sandpaper over the whole table. Then I like to use tung oil with a 220 grit sanding block or sponge to grind in that fine dust to fill the pores. After that, sand it again with 320 grit, then since this is an interior table I use a wipe-on polyurethane applying at least 8 coats, and buffing with 0000 steel wool in between. The result is clean and flawless.

This turned out really nice, I have to get a decent picture of it and build that dang drawer.

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