I'm totally late posting this, but at the end of January we made another trip up to Boone to work the land a bit. Funny enough, there was still two feet of snow on the ground so the truck got stuck, totally blocking an intersection. Took me about 90 minutes to get it unstuck, and I only got maybe 10 minutes to work on the land. At least we got some really cool animal shots from the field camera left onsite.
Only 5* deer covered in snow, they don't care.
Totally blocking the intersection. Had 10 cars backed up before I could move
Snow was pretty deep
Still got part of the building site staked out
We've had a few updates on the process up there. First, we're still waiting on the perc test to see if we can build at all but the planning is going great. We're ready to roll. Second, my wife got accepted into grad school at App State! She starts classes in August, so this is very exciting. And it puts a real deadline on building this house -she has to attend classes in person and will have to stay at the house those nights. Game on!
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