Monday, March 11, 2019

More Walls

I did a separate post about how I make shiplap siding from plywood, it's a cool process to make this normally expensive siding palatable. This time my aluminum siding on the house is 7 7/8" wide, so I cut the shiplap boards so they would end up the same width. Out of 48" of total plywood width, I got 6 planks out of each piece, and I started with 5 sheets of plywood.

Starting inside and outside on this corner

One plank at a time, sweet Jesus

Plenty of room under there to sweep off the porch

Outside came out smooth too

The side walls went all the way to the floor

Overlap the brick on the outside of both sides

To make this shiplap, I ripped all of the sheets of plywood into strips first. Then I decided to custom fit the planks before doing anything else. The top and bottom need to stay flat, but especially the top row needs to stay a consistent width all the way around. I setup the router table with a rabbet bit. So for the top and bottom rows, I only had to add the rabbet to one side. All of the other courses get rabbets on both sides. Since 2 of the 3 walls are longer than 8 feet, I had to allow some vertical joints too.

After the walls get primed & painted, I can install the handrail toppers that already have the same roundover as the column toppers. We're going to paint them the same gray as the house siding.

Finally a shoutout to the wife. I found this stitchpic the other day, and it made me wonder. When I was just starting to dig into the ground a bit, could you have imagined it would have turned out like this? That is one trusting woman. I could have really fucked up the front of her house.

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