We made it up specifically to look at one lot. It's only a couple of blocks outside of downtown, prime location, terrible building site. 70% of the land is a very steep grade hillside (> 50%) and in a viewshed area, so not buildable. It goes down to a creek, and between the creek and the road is another steep hillside, but it's not nearly as bad. The most I could put on this 1 acre lot is a 500 sq ft house. We made an offer, it was not accepted our countered. Really wanted this one to work, but parking was sketchy and the price was too high for the size house I could build on it.
This waterwheel and stone wall are on the property
Kelley is down by the creek
This is the best building site. That wider area that goes down to the creek is the only place buildable
There is a fire hydrant on the property
Gets a little mushy down there
Not much water in the creek and it still makes an amazing relaxing sound
Steep walk back to the truck
I could put the shed here
This is still on the property - lots of road frontage
Power & city water/sewer on the property already
That's how much road frontage I'm talking about
Teenager approved for selfies
Cute neighborhood
We went to the outlet malls in Blowing Rock afterwards
I like the color of this house in BR
At the Christmas tree farm
We finished checking out the lot and made it down to Blowing Rock. Quick aside, the Bass outlet is closing, we got there at almost the last day. It first opened in the mid-90's when I was a student at App State, and my girlfriend at the time used to work there. Girlfriend is long gone, and now so is the store.
After the outlets, we made it to a local Christmas tree farm and picked up our tree for the season! Best thing to come out of the trip. The tree was beautiful and the guy cut it down right then so it was completely fresh.
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