Sunday, August 20, 2017

Canoe Forms

I finally managed to get a weekend free from the deck building in order to get some other stuff done. That stuff started with the two extra sheets of 5/8" plywood clogging up my shed that needed to be cut up into canoe forms!

You can barely see the pencil outlines on there
These sheets have been laying around since before I started working on the rowboat. I had the plans duplicated around the time of the Masters golf tournament, then cut them out shortly after. So now the plywood is there, and the first step to building a canoe is cutting out the stations. Next up I'll have to buy the cedar and cut it down into 1/4" strips, then attach those strips to these forms. Time to cut some forms.

getting there!

Now that's a pile of plywood
Forms are cut and on the shelf until I buy the cedar. Glad to have those sheets out of the way.

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